Izmir Kavram Vocational School Library has been serving since the day it started its education life in 2008. Our library grows by following a policy of user-oriented and supporting research and development activities with a wide and spacious working environment.

The aim of our library is to support education and research activities in our school, to meet the needs of our students and all other users in access to information in order to support their personal development.



Our library is at the service of our students with its collection which is developed in line with the needs and wishes of all its users, study and reading rooms, a computer laboratory and an open study area.


For the library catalogue search page click.


For off-campus access click.

Araştırma Yöntemleri Eğitim ve Uygulama Merkezi (AYEUM) Veritabanı

Hiperkitap e-Kitap Veritabanı

iG Publishing eKitap Platformu

Kazancı Hukuk Veritabanı

Lexpera Veritabanı

Trial Databases:

3D4Medical’s Complete Anatomy 2021

Rosetta Stone veritabanı


Institutional Academic Archive System click.



(Education Term)
Monday - Friday  : 08:30-22:00 Saturday - Sunday : 08:30-17:30


(Summer Term)
Monday - Friday  : 08:30-17:30 Saturday - Sunday : Closed


Reading Hall (No: 114) Open 24/7


The library is closed on public holidays.